Canadian Arts Productions
Where Video Production is an Art
Some of Our Work
Check out this award winning video which helped Windsor Residence for Young Men buy a home and establish a safe haven for vulnerable young men.
“The expertise of Canadian Arts Productions was invaluable to the Windsor Residence for Young Men in raising public awareness and consequent funding for our charity. Pat and Kim took an idea, from production with volunteer actors, to public display in the form of a 30 second commercial that captures the essence of our purpose and the hearts of the viewers.
This commercial has also proved timeless as it has been rebroadcast with growing response.”
Gregory D. Goulin, LSM, JD, Barrister Treasurer and Founder, The Windsor Residence for Young Men
On The Money
The film features original music and dance performed by McCurdy and accompanied by musicians and dancers.
Watch scenes from the premiere:
Contact for screening information.
Imagining Angels
Our film Imagining Angels is about the production of a made in Windsor mixed media chamber opera.
"Pat and Kim get great reviews from the staff they have trained as VJs over more than a decade at APTN. They go beyond teaching camera operation to the art of visual storytelling. I credit them with helping our staff create award winning current affairs documentaries."
Exec. Director of News and Current Affairs, APTN National News
Thank you sincerely for your expertise, wisdom and commitment.
Exec. Director Community Support Service
From beginning to end, they are wonderful to work and collaborate with…Their creativity and expertise can be seen in their camera work, editing and final production.
Christine Gross
We Are Timeless: The Radiance Technique® in Hospice Care